When my husband took the two kids to school this morning I asked him to stop and get me a couple apples - not Red Delicious and not green. He brought me two perfect Fuji apples. When I squealed and said they were beautiful, "Beautiful?" he asked. Yes! Beautiful!

I followed the recipe to the letter. As I was mixing the dry ingredients I wondered if there shouldn't be a few more spices but I refrained and thought I would give it a go.
I used one chopped up apple. I didn't bother to peel - I think the peel is cool and it adds something. I don't know what and I don't care.
A few basic baking tips:
When baking a bundt oil and flour the pan thoroughly then do it again! Maybe not really, but it has to be done really really well.
Break your eggs into a separate bowl instead of the mixing bowl with all the other ingredients. Digging out those itty bitty shells stinks! But chewing on one is even more awful. Trust me: your world will be a happier place if you break your eggs in a separate dish first before adding them to the entire mix.
A tablespoon of butter is 1/2 an ounce. Therefore a stick of butter is four ounces. You can take it from there.
No buttermilk? Pour a tablespoon into a measuring cup then add enough milk (in my case 1/2 and 1/2 or whipping cream. It's just the way I do things) to the measurement needed. Allow it to sit for a few minutes to do whatever it is it needs to do.
After the allotted amount of time you can tell when a bundt is done because it will start pulling away from the sides of the pans. A stick sunk into the middle of the cake will come out clean.
Allow the cake to cool for a few minutes but not over ten. Ten minutes is that magic number. Get it out of the pan before that and you should be safe.
The recipe wasn't too clear on how to make the glaze, so neither was I. But I went with it. In a small sauce pan I tossed in probably a cup of brown sugar then added whipping cream till - well, I don't know when - till it felt right. Turned on the heat and stirred hear and there till I could tell the brown sugar was melted. I had more than enough glaze so I drowned the heck out of the cake.
The cake was just insane. I literally couldn't stop myself and I knew it. So I cut half of it and handed to one of my son's teachers when I picked up from school. She said I was going to make her fat. "Better you than me," I yelled. I couldn't stop eating it. My husband scowled at me the next morning saying I was lucky there was any left. Ha! Hardly! Man, it was amazing.
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