I was following @healthyhomerecipes on Twitter. I am going to refer to it as "it" because It is impersonal and simply spews out recipes all day long. Correction: links to recipes on Its site, which is just as impersonal. I don't really like it. But this recipe for Blueberry Ginger Muffins grabbed my attention. So I bit. And I printed. And I made them this morning. And they are really really good!
I followed the recipe completely, only adding 1/2 cup of broken walnuts. I like crunch. Broken? How do you describe walnuts that have been placed in a plastic bag and smashed several times with a 1 cup metal measuring cup? I think broken fits the bill right now. It's early.
This was one of the first times I have actually put out ALL my ingredients and tools and had everything ready to go. It was an amazing experience and I will do that from now on. Yay learning!
The recipe has molasses. Yum! I knew it was going to be amazing right from the get go.
I have normal sized muffin pans. I like normal size baked goods. I'm just really not in to the bigger-than-your-head cookies and muffins. I get that it appeals to our society as a whole, but not to me. I will bake you muffins that are normal size. And you can eat as many as you like.
After 20 minutes the muffins looked really dark. But after inserting a wooden skewer I could tell they were not.quite.done. But, oh so close. After another minute - was it two? - I took them out and hoped for the best.
They are amazing! They are moist, soft, and the ginger is really subtle.
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