Thursday, March 10, 2011

Confession and a Challenge. (Brownie related)

Tartine Brownies. Warm. Cut. Ready to eat.
Confession: Yesterday I made brownies from a box. It was disgusting and I swear to never do it again. But my daughter asked to make brownies together and in my sleep deprivation I was too lazy to get out the sifter and all the ingredients to go with it.

And there was a box of brownie mix begging and pleading to be used. "America's Favorite Brownie," the box yelled. Hardly. I will not admit to any knowledge of how that box got in there. I won't do it. But it was. And I did.

Bakers, please forgive me. For I know now what I did.

Challenge: I invite you to make some real brownies this coming weekend. You will never go back to that cheap, convenient box again. I swear. Or at least if you do, the guilt will overwhelm you. If you are Irish Catholic by birth, as I am, then I know that to be the truth.

My go to recipe is the on on the can of Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate and Cocoa.

And I also have this entry for Tartine Brownies that has a complete walk through.

Please let me know how it goes. Swear you won't be sorry!