For my standard menu I must limit myself or I would never stop adding to the list. But it's just me creating these cookies and it's not feasible - at this time - for me to have a menu of 53 different flavors. Not yet.
To keep myself (and my customers) interested and excited I have the Flavor of the Month feature. It's really fun to think of how the month would taste in regards to the season, any holidays, or just the "feel" of the month. The coffee flavor came about because my eyes ran across a bottle of Bailey's Irish Creme Coffee Liqueur in the grocery store and I do believe I peed a little.
This month was pretty easy. I was at the Restaurant Depot in Phoenix a couple months ago a saw a bottle of Torani Pumpkin Spice syrup. Well, no question in my mind: there was November's flavor. When November arrived and I started made a batch of the filling, the syrup enough wasn't quite cutting it. I was having to add too much syrup in order to get any real flavor so I knew I needed pumpkin extract. I searched Amazon - which I'm not proud of, by the way - and found it from a company called Faerie's Finest. The bottle cost around $5 but the shipping was over $7 - that's why I dislike Amazon so much.
When the bottle arrived I remade the filling using the pumpkin extract as well as the syrup, adding only a little at a time. Words don't describe it. The smell alone is satiating enough.
So I am proud to present this month's Oh Katie! Cookie Flavor of the Month: Pumpkin Spice.

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