Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baking Soda and Powder. What's the big difference anyway?!

It's fascinating, this baking thing. The directions are concise, measured, exact, a little crazy sounding even: Mix together..., then in another bowl..., and yet in another bowl..., sprinkle on..., fold in..., pour in three separate measurements..., for high altitude on a sunny day with a rainbow in the east, when the barometer says..., don't over mix, for all that is holy and healthy DO NOT OVER MIX!

The ingredients may seem a little more simple. It's usually a short list of the basics with some flavorful additions: flour, a leavening agent (more on that later), salt, butter or oil, possibly eggs, maybe a liquid, an extract, then possibly chocolate, fruit, nuts, or countless number of fun and tasty (you hope) additions.

What I have found in my recent discovery of Baking Love is this: Baking is a science. Cooking is an art. That does not mean there are not amazingly creative and artistic things that go into baking. We have all witnessed some amazing cakes or hey, what about the cupcake phenomenon sweeping the nation? They key to remember is all baked goods are *basically* made from the same base of ingredients. It is in the formulation of amazing flavors or decorations that the artistry comes in. But a cake or a cupcake, or a scone or a cookie, would not work if the science of the base ingredients were not exact. Or if the preparation aspect of the recipe were not followed to the letter.

Whereas in cooking, there are few (if any) boundaries, endless possibilities, countless combinations; a splash of that, a dash of this, a handful of those, and you can leave that out if you don't like it. Grill it, fry it, broil it, boil it... you'll get something different every time.

Baking is rarely forgiving. One of those unforgiving ingredients is baking soda and baking powder. How often has your recipe called for one and you only have the other and you begin to seriously ponder using the other and wonder "How bad could it be?"

Here are some answers. First, let me say, just get both and make sure you always have them on hand. Especially with the holidays upon us. You'll need them; both of them. Second, I came across a really neat little site called Difference Between. It will surely help you answer many of life's unanswered questions.

According to this site - and many others I have pondered this question to - the difference between baking powder and baking soda:

Both baking soda and baking powder are leavening agents, which is a substance, used to produce fermentation in dough or batter. They are added to baking goods before cooking in order to cause them to ‘rise’. Although baking powder contains baking soda, both of these agents are used at different conditions.

Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate whereas baking powder contains sodium bicarbonate and other acidifying and drying agents such as cream of tartar and starch. When you use baking soda with moisture and other acidifying agents such as yogurt, chocolate, buttermilk and honey, it produces bubbles of carbon dioxide and cause baked goods to rise. When you add baking soda the reaction begins immediately after mixing the agents, therefore you need to bake the goods immediately or they will not provide effective results.
There are two types of baking powders available. One is single-acting baking powder, which is activated by moisture, so you must bake your goods immediately after mixing and the second is double-acting baking powder which reacts in two phases. Therefore it can last for a while before baking. Majority of the carbon dioxide is released after the temperature of the dough increases in the oven.

Yes, I basically copy and pasted the entire page, but I find it fascinating and hey, I don't have a clue how I could have rewritten it better than that! Besides, I give full credit to the amazing site.

So now you know, even when a recipe calls for 1 1/4 tsp of baking powder and 1/4 tsp of baking soda... just do it. It's important. And now you know!

And don't forget...


  1. Your blog makes me want to go run in the kitchen and bake something. :) Following you through the Fun Friday Follow.

  2. Love your cute little blog. I am now following you thanks to Friday Follow, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday :) Happy Friday!

  3. I too found you on friday follow. interesting the difference- I love to bake, can't wait to see what ur stuff, hope you follow back!

  4. New follower via Friday Blog Hop :)
    Jen @ My Secret Home


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