Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Detach, Dissect, Segregate, Cleave, Disentangle... or Separating Eggs.

If you love to bake as much as I do, I go through tons of eggs! I can't imagine how many hens I would require in order to keep up.

And until I have the desire to raise hens, Costco it is.

Sometimes, I come across a recipe that requires only one part of the egg, either the white or the yolk. Take yesterday, I made The Best Coffeecake Ever by the Pioneer Woman. The recipe requires three whipped eggwhites.

It just so happens that I am currently reading through The Essential Baker by Carole Bloom and recently read the three different ways to separate eggs.

1.) To use an egg separator tool. Which looks like this

2.) To do the ol' Eggshell Shuffle: where you crack the egg open and, while holding the egg over a bowl, pass the egg back and forth betwixt eggshells and allow the white to fall to the bowl.
Image from Simplyrecipes.com
This was my tried and true method to date and there have been several times I have messed up and dropped bits of yolk into the egg whites - which can render the entire meringue goal useless.

3.) Now I have discovered the most amazing, simple way to separate eggs and I do believe this will be my method from now on. Crack the egg open and place the egg into your cupped hand - over a bowl! - the egg white will fall through your fingers and you are left with the pretty, happy, little lonesome yolk.

Ta Daaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Have any egg separation tricks to share?


  1. I've always been a #3 person as it seems to get the most of the white and yolk separated. I've never seen that tool in #1 - wonder if it works well?

  2. We have one of those Stephanie. I think my husband bought it back when he was on one of his health kicks. I have never used it. Seems like a hassle and just something else to clean. Although I do think it works.

    I was so thrilled when I tried the hand trick. My gosh(!) it was simple and I think you are right: it separated really well.


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